Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Brown lies on economy exposed by report

SPIN ALERT! The Times is reporting an amusing story that Gordon Brown is to try to convince voters that the British economy is through the worst of the recession, and that it was the Labour government that navigated the country through the choppy waters. Apparently Alistair Darling said yesterday that he expected the British economy to start growing again around the end of this year as a result of measures such as the bank bailouts, emergency tax cuts and the fiscal stimulus package.

While Brown and Darling are trying to paint themselves as heroes who have slain the recessionary beast, a report from across the pond tells a very different story. The Wall Street Journal is reporting market information that Brown and Darling are hoping people will not understand or will simply not notice:
The U.K.'s economic recovery may take longer than expected, as data Tuesday showed manufacturing activity unexpectedly declined in August while lending to consumers fell for the first time on record in July.
If the economy was through the worst as Brown suggests, then it would have already started growing again. But the figures show that things are worse than Brown will admit and the economy will continue shrinking until the end of the year. Even when the growth that Darling is predicting commences it will be take a long time for the economy to recover the strength and size it was before the recession started. This is further evidence that Brown is completely dishonest and is continuing his pathetic spin operation.

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