Sunday 30 August 2009

Gordon Brown's Libya lies exposed

When people wanted to know what Gordon Brown thought of the Scottish decision to free Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi from prison on compassionate grounds, he refused to say. In typical cowardly fashion he claimed it was a matter for the devolved Scottish Parliament and put as much distance between him and the issue as possible. Now we know why.

The Prime Minister of this country and his government of incompetents decided in 2007 to put commercial interests ahead of justice and use al-Megrahi as a pawn in a multi-million-pound oil exploration deal between Libya and BP. The punishment of the man convicted of the mass murder of 270 people was reduced to a mere bargaining chip as the Labour Prime Minister put the interests of business first.

Gordon Brown talks about his moral compass and takes every opportunity to portray himself as a moral man because his father was a church minister. But Brown has no integrity and no honour. His sum total is a self centred desire to be the man in charge for no other purpose than the thrill of wielding power. His premiership is limited to playing political games of one-upmanship, like this example of trumping David Cameron's trip to Afghanistan. He is completely shameless. He is fundamentally dishonest. He is a coward of the worst kind.

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