Sunday, 6 September 2009

Gordon Brown the member for Tripoli South

Seeing how the Sunday Times has reported that Gordon Brown: "personally vetoed an attempt to force Colonel Muammar Gadaffi to compensate IRA bomb victims because it might have jeopardised British oil deals with Libya"; and the Sunday Telegraph is reporting that: "the British, Scottish and Libyan governments connived to free Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi on compassionate grounds" it would seem appropriate to designate Gordon Brown as the Dishonourable Member for Tripoli South.

However, there is also an important question that needs to be asked. With the accumulating evidence showing that Gordon Brown is a two-faced liar and his government caved into to Libyan blackmail over trade and oil instead of putting justice first, and mindful of his call for British jobs for British workers, should there now be a rallying cry demanding that we have a "British Prime Minister for British People"?

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