Election Realities, Progress Ahead
49 minutes ago
Gordon Brown has put the United States on notice that he wants to cut UK troop numbers from more than 9,000 to fewer than 5,000 in "three to five years, maximum", according to senior sources at the Ministry of Defence.Our forces in Afghanistan are already overstretched and the training of Afghan security forces is not delivering the required results, but Brown's answer is to reduce the size of the UK force by nearly half. It's the clearest signal that the UK, having been effectively defeated in southern Iraq, is preparing to pull out from Afghanistan too.
The U.K.'s economic recovery may take longer than expected, as data Tuesday showed manufacturing activity unexpectedly declined in August while lending to consumers fell for the first time on record in July.If the economy was through the worst as Brown suggests, then it would have already started growing again. But the figures show that things are worse than Brown will admit and the economy will continue shrinking until the end of the year. Even when the growth that Darling is predicting commences it will be take a long time for the economy to recover the strength and size it was before the recession started. This is further evidence that Brown is completely dishonest and is continuing his pathetic spin operation.
"The government has spooked everyone into thinking that we need nuclear by saying there's going to be a terrible energy gap - the lights are going to go out in the middle of the next decade.It's a fact that wind turbines and other renewables are incapable of forming the baseload for our energy generation because they're so unreliable. For every 1GW of energy generated from wind we need 1GW of nuclear, coal or gas fired generation capacity standing by as back up. Nuclear is no good as a back up because it takes time to increase energy output when demand peaks suddenly. That leaves coal and gas. Politicians are frightened of the green lobby so they shy away from coal, and we're competing more than ever with other European countries for Norwegian and Russian gas, which is forcing prices up ever higher.
"There's actually no evidence that's the case at all. They've raised the wrong problem in order to push the wrong solution."
To recap, the Honduran military in June executed a Supreme Court arrest warrant against Mr. Zelaya for trying to hold a referendum on whether he should be able to run for a second term. Article 239 of the Honduran constitution states that any president who tries for a second term automatically loses the privilege of his office. By insisting that Mr. Zelaya be returned to power, the U.S. is trying to force Honduras to violate its own constitution.What makes this all the more remarkable is that, as O'Grady points out, Zelaya is allied to Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, a man whose example he was trying to follow in a strategy to become president for life. And Chavez is a sponsor of terrorism as he equips and provides safe haven to the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, or FARC as they are better known. FARC is the group waging a terrorist campaign against the Colombian government. Why is Obama trying to prop up a key member of Latin America's left-wing alliance by claiming Zelaya was deposed illegally, even when the Honduran constitution gave legitimacy to the action?